Carpet Service

Pensicola Carpet & Upholstery Maintenance Inc

Servicing downtown Cleveland, Ohio areas. Lofts, Apartment, Condos and those hard to reach areas. We have the equipment to provide a professional cleaning to these areas.

We go the extra step to satisfy your needs.
Clean your carpet as often as it takes to prevent soiling or spots from becoming permanent. High traffic areas need more attention. Vacuuming on a regular schedule helps preserve the life of your carpet by removing the unseen dirt that falls into the fibers in the carpet.

Pensicola Carpet and Upholstery cleaning

Clean your carpet as often as it takes to prevent soiling or spots from becoming permanent. High traffic areas need more attention. Vacuuming on a regular schedule helps preserve the life of your carpet by removing the unseen dirt that falls into the fibers in the carpet.

Pensicola Carpet and Upholstery cleaning

Dirt, not daily wear and tear, is the single largest contributor to the early demise of carpets. While not visible to the eye, carpets are a magnet for oil, lint, pollen and pet hair. Vacuum regularly to remove dirt, dust and grit. 

Pensicola Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Oriental Rugs can be an expensive investment. Professional cleaning is recommended at least once a year. High traffic areas should be maintained as needed. Regular cleaning will help preserve the fibers and keep the colors brighter. Pollen season before or after holiday seasons are always good times to have carpets cleaned.


Commercial Cleaning Property Investors
(onsite estimate only)

Rooms over 200 sq ft considered double size
Rooms, Halls, Foyers, Landings 
Our rates are $0.30 to $0.40 a square foot

Odor Elimination ( Removal of Urine or Odors )
Pet or Human deodorizer / Removal of pad Treating of Floor / deodorizer on carpets ( onsite estimate only )

Standard deodorizer Herbal *** Cherry *** Lemon ***
$10.00 a room minimum service charge applies for all orders

Check our frequently asked question section for answers to basic questions about cleaning and our services.

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